Sep 24, 2010

Liver disease and tooth extraction.

The human body is one unit so you have to help your dentist to record carefully a full medical history for you. Liver problems are of the medical conditions that needs special care in dental clinic. liver diseases has many types but the most common are liver fibrosis as a result of viral infection or parasitic infection (belharizeases in some countries).

Dentist usually give extra care to liver patients because Liver is responsible of producing most of the factors that are essential for blood clotting. So viral hepatitis or any other distructive liver diseases can impair the normal coagulation mechanism and the patient of the uncontrolled liver disease tend to bleed more after surgery or tooth extraction. There is also an crossinfection risk if viral hepatitis(The most common liver problem) is present.

bleeding tendency: The diagnosis should be confirmed by a physician and the severity of liver affection should be taken into consideration by arranging for a coagulation screen tests  before any surgical treatment like extraction. Patients may need vitamin K or freshfrozen plasma to gain enough coagulation and, therefore, should be managed in hospital and the dentist also will concentrate on local methods of reducing post extraction bleeding like stitching or mesh supported dressing.

Drugs & medications: Drugs prescription is really dilemma as liver is responsible for the breakage and excretion of many toxic chemical materials including many drugs. Also there is some drugs that considered liver toxic and can really hurt the liver in compromised patients. so many drugs should be used with caution or avoided completely in severe liver disease. Paracetamol, NSAIDs, sedatives that usually prescribed after extraction or surgery  are the most common. Any drug prescribing should include reference to a drug formulary.  As some drugs even with normal dose can be txic to liver patient because he fails to break and excrete the drug so it accumulate in the body.  It is difficult to estimate the impairment of drug metabolism even with liver function tests so adjusting the doses of drugs can be very hard even for the experienced physician .

Cross viral infection:The most common form of liver disease is the A,B and C viral hepatitis caused by HAV, HBV AND HCV  so the routine precautions for infection control is essential which  means that all patients who needs extraction or any other oral surgery treatment, whether known high risk or not, should be managed in the same strict way to eliminate the risk of transmission of infectious agents like viruses and bacteria.

How to Prevent Bad Breath and Cavities

Bad breath comes with bacteria and bacteria brings infection, to eliminate this problem, it is important that you brush your teeth and tongue after every meal. Not doing this can cause sensitive points to appear on the teeth surface resulting in cavities.

Cavities lead to serious problems, but how do they actually form? The teeth exterior is covered with firm enamel made of mineralized fascicles. This surface is coated by an acid substance that infiltrates between the fascicles while eating. Bacteria are now settled in your mouth and unfortunately so too is the bad breath.

Fluoride toothpastes, mouthwash or drinkable water that contain flour are a great source for solving dental problems. You should test the water you usually consume and find out its flour concentration. If the amount of flour found is not adequate, doctors can prescribe a medical treatment, which mimics the same effects, otherwise, the problem of tooth decay and cavities may become serious. Mouthwash, special medicine drops or even tablets can end the teeth damage process.

If you think you are developing cavities, see your dentist as soon as possible. Superficial cavities will eventually deepen, reaching into the root of the tooth and causing the pulp to become infected. A dental abscess may then appear causing you to suffer great pain and bad breath due to the tooth being surrounded by a smelly pus bag.

Pus appears because the body starts producing antibodies to fight the infection. Bacteria will spread infection in the tissue surrounding the tooth and consequently spread an annoying bad smell in your mouth.

Your breath will become unbearable because the gums affected can deviate from the tooth and the space between them can collect particles of the food that you eat which can later form bacteria. A dental abscess can also seriously affect the bone tissue surrounding the teeth.

Some of the symptoms to look out for are throbbing toothaches, especially during eating, red or swollen gums, fever or a bad taste in your mouth. You may also notice a tooth color change to grey or pink.

A bulge on the gum near the tooth can form and a considerable amount of yellow pus or blood may ooze from the red, bulging zone.

As the infection spreads the ache may decrease and this is the effect of bone tissue dissolution. When losing this tissue the tooth is poorly fixed and may be dislodged. A medical exam is mandatory in this situation.

A dentist may inspect the oral cavity to identify the swollen gums or other infection signs that suggest a dental abscess. A dental radiography may also be necessary. The dentist will make an informed decision on what antibiotics should be used to eliminate the infection. They may also need to make an incision on the upper or backside of the tooth to drain the infection. If necessary, they can also make an incision on the bulging zone to drain the infection.

Therefore, it is very important to have regular dental checkups to save yourself from the embarrassment of bad breath and excruciating pain from infected teeth. Prevention is always better than cure.

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