How long should the Numbness and tingling remains after dental anathesia?

Many patients feels discomfort and even a little fear when the anesthesia remains for hours after extraction or root canal. Normally the numbness will remain for 2-4 hours in lower teeth and 1-2 hours in upper teeth. Some times the tingling may remains a little longer if the case needs more than one injection.

General speaking if the numbness remained for more than 6-8 hours you should call your your dentist although in the vast majority of cases it will heal shortly. If the tingling remained more than 12 hours you should see your dentist immediately specially if the extraction is on the lower jaw.

Some times during lower wisdom surgical extraction the nerve may get pressed a little which may cause temporary nerve injury or even complete nerve cutting in rare cases which can be the cause of prolonged tingling.  But generally this type of complication is not common in any extraction except the lower wisdom surgical extraction and still very rare even with wisdom extraction.

In these cases you should see your dentist immediately to treat the case before the temporary damage becomes permanent.

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