Dental Implant: The Best Remedy For Tooth Loss

Tooth loss, in most people, is associated to a number of factors. Some of these factors that cause tooth loss are tooth decay, gum disease or periodontal disease, injury and aging. Research done on a large group of adults, to study the increase in the number of people with one or more teeth missing revealed that more than half the group fell in this category.

Most of those with missing teeth did not bother to get a tooth replacement done because of not understanding the underlying problem of a missing tooth. Just twenty five percent were aware of the fact that the loss of a tooth could wear out the bones of the jaw causing a change in structure of the jaw line.

Consequences Of A Single Tooth Loss

Studies show that a single tooth loss could have many repercussions some of which are mentioned below:

    * There would be a structural change in the jaw
    * Other teeth would get relocated as even a single gap among the teeth would cause the other teeth to shift.
    * There would be a change in the contour of the face; the shape of the face.
    * There would be a drooping, hollow look to the jaw which is not appealing to the eye.
    * This look would, in the long run, lower one’s self esteem and have a bearing on his eating behavior.
    * Biting and chewing certain types of food would be a problem, like hard fruits and fibrous vegetables, causing one to miss out a person’s normal staple diet.
    * There is a tendency, at such times, to eat fatty foods that are soft and easily
      chewable and to avoid hard foods that are necessary or required for the body. This leads to increase in extra weight, which is a sign of impending illnesses such as those dealing with the heart and diabetes.

Treatment Of Tooth Loss:

There are many ways to treat tooth loss, the most effective of which is dental implant. Dental implant is an alternate method to replace a missing tooth. Here an artificial ‘tooth root’ is used. These tooth roots are the basis for the artificial teeth that are either permanently fixed or can be removed. They are made to look similar to natural teeth.

Dental implant is the most preferred treatment for tooth loss for a single tooth or for more than one tooth. This is because it has shown a 98 percent success rate. Medical tests show that dental implant is most successful treatment as a replacement for lost teeth. Secondly, this surgical method allows for minimum bone loss that is why it is favored over other forms of treatment.

Dental implant is the safest, most accurate type of surgery conducted to replace a missing tooth. A dentist, experienced in this surgical procedure, would help to get the accuracy and also show positive results. So if you are planning on doing a dental implant it would be advisable to search out an experienced dentist to avoid any possibility of the implant going wrong.

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