Advices for new denture wearers

Most patients with new dentures expect too much. They expect from the dentist to offer a denture that as comfortable and functional as their lost natural teeth and this is simply impossible in most cases.
Coping with new dentures :

1-You have to know that wearing new denture is difficult in the beginning and you will need time to get used to wearing it so relax we are not in a hurry and you can accommodate to it  gradually. You should also know that many patients spend a horrible time in the beginning and they think that they will never be able to wear it then gradually use their dentures perfectly.

2-If you have no problems in wearing your new denture you should wear it as much as possible, but if you have problems like gagging you can start first with one jaw only until you used to it  then wear the two jaws  and increase the wearing time day after day.

3-You shouldn’t wear your denture at night keep it in a water glass or denture storing solutions.

4-How to eat with your new denture:
  • At the beginning you should cut food into small pieces.
  • Also you should chew your food on both sides in the same time this will help you to stabilize the denture in the beginning.
  • Try to avoid hard food that needs an effort to chew till you get used to your denture.
  • also sticky food food should be avoided till you become an expert.
5-Looseness of new dentures:
at first dentures can be loose a little until the patient adapt it. Also dentures usually need 10-30 minutes to become fixed when first inserted. Normally looseness will be disappeared gradually if the denture is manufactured properly

6-Cleaning new dentures: food debris sometimes accumulated under the denture or even if no food debris is accumulated the denture should be cleaned at least twice daily to be sure that there is no plaque or bacteria is adhering to the denture.
there is so many denture cleaners available and we will discuss this subject later in a separate post but at least dental brush and tooth paste should be used till you buy denture cleaner.

7-Discomfort, pain or ulcers:
it is quite normal that patient will feel discomfort in the few days after wearing new dentures . If the symptoms don’t relieve in a few days you should see your dentist.if you have ulcers or wounds stop wearing your denture and see your dentist directly.

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